uPVC Windows for Coventry Properties

At Fox Windows and Doors, we provide a diverse variety of double glazing home improvement solutions for almost any project requirement. However, we have to say that our uPVC windows may just be the most cost effective, reliable, and high performing window solution we provide.

We believe that any home improvement project starts with an idea, what we want to enable is for you to realise those ideas to their fullest potential which we why we offer a wealth of customisation options. Our uPVC windows are manufactured with our customers needs in mind so you know you will be getting a window that is not only right for your home but made for your home.

If you have been considering new windows for your property and wish to know more about uPVC windows, we encourage you to look at the benefits this can provide below.

Benefits of uPVC Windows

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Thermally Efficient

Our uPVC windows are specifically designed to be extremely thermally efficient, coupled with our multilayer double glazing technologies they retain warm air for longer, bolster a thermal barrier around your home, saving you energy and potentially a lot of money over time.

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Tailored to Your Needs

Our uPVC windows come in a stunning collection of profiles and colours so whether your home in Coventry is a period or heritage building or a new build, we can find uPVC windows that are a perfect fit for your home’s unique style. Our installation experts will also come to your home for measurements so every one of your windows will be a perfect fit.

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Made to Endure

It also has an exceptional predicted lifespan so you can rest assured that your windows not only look fantastic but also will stand the test of time. Our uPVC windows can be as subtle or as bold as you would like while retaining all the modern benefits from the latest innovations in the field, exceptional thermal efficiency, durability, longevity, and effective light transmission.

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Specify Your Requirements

The universal features of our uPVC doors will provide you with all the important security and installation needs for any home however everything can be taken to the next level. Therefore, our experts can discuss our various upgrade options designed to take your uPVC windows to the next tier. This can include varying depth of glass to increase sound cancelling properties or added triple glazing. These dials can be altered on your command so whatever your requirement we can ensure your uPVC windows are focused on that task.

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Customer Care

We believe you should come first with your uPVC window installation. This is why we put the customer at the centre of everything we do and work with you to install promptly and at a time convenient to you.

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In Safe Hands

You know you are in experienced hands with Fox Windows. We have over 22 years of experience in this industry and have constantly been looking for ways to improve our service and relationship with our customers. We are a Which? Trusted Trader and ensure our expertise and performance only continues to improve with time.

Modern Features

  • Durable Design
  • Confidence in Quality
  • Blissful Quiet
  • Economical

uPVC windows are a fantastic and cost effective solution for a long term home improvement project. This is largely due to the long term lifespan of uPVC over more traditional materials like Timber frame windows without maintenance. uPVC windows are not prone to bleaching in the sun or rot, requiring very little upkeep to maintain their good health. We only recommend you keep them clean to maintain their freshly installed aesthetic.

uPVC has been a popular choice for windows and doors for a long time and this is largely due to the versatility of the substance. Unlike traditional alternatives like wood, uPVC does not warp, bow, or rot when subjected to the elements.

The unique properties of our uPVC window’s fixtures and glazing are designed to mute the unwanted sound. If you live near the centre of Coventry on a busy road, you’ll benefit from this greatly.

As we now know uPVC is a durable material, so you know it is an investment that will last a long time. You also can rest easy knowing that your home may be less expensive to heat due to your new uPVC window’s thermal efficiency. The fresh look to your property will also make you the envy of the street and brand-new windows will also increase your Coventry property’s value.

Get Your Free Quote Today

Our competitive prices for uPVC windows can be discovered via our designer tool.

uPVC Windows Brochure

Coventry Prices for uPVC Windows

If you are interested in any of our uPVC windows for your home in Coventry, we’d love to hear from you.

You can use our design tool to see what combinations are possible and request a free quote for your new uPVC windows.

Contact us today via our contact form or email. If you’d rather speak to a member of our team, you can also call us on 01926 754044. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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